- This site is owned and operated by East Gippsland Shire Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. For details on how East Gippsland Shire Council collects and protects your personal information, refer to their Privacy Policy below. For details of how Social Pinpoint may access personal information, please refer to Social Pinpoint’s Privacy Policy.
We, East Gippsland Shire Council, take our privacy obligations seriously and we’ve created this privacy policy to explain how we treat your personal information collected on this “Engage East Gippsland” website. Personal information is information we hold which is identifiable as being about you.
Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is regulated by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 and the Victorian Information Privacy Principles under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. You can find more information about your privacy rights at the Privacy Commissioner's web site: http://www.oaic.gov.au and the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner: https://www.ovic.vic.gov.au
We may update this privacy policy from time to time and we encourage you to check our website regularly to ensure that you are aware of our most current version.
What personal information we collect:
Profile Information
- We collect information from you when you register to use this site. This includes your email address and additional demographic information as provided by you on the registration form.
- Please note that you are able to browse any publicly accessible sections of this website completely anonymously without signing up.
Engagement Information
- The content you create as part of your interactions with this website. These can include responses to surveys, comments on discussion forums, or any of the other engagement opportunities available here.
Usage Information
- We collect information about your usage of the site, such as pages visited, documents downloaded, etc.
We collect this information in order to:
- analyse and interpret it to help meet our objectives and obligations;
- communicate information to you about engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives; and
- respond to enquiries and otherwise engage with stakeholders.
External links:
Our website may contain links to other websites. Those links are provided for convenience and may not remain current or be maintained. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of linked websites and we suggest you review the privacy policies of those websites before using them.
While no online service is completely secure, we work very hard to protect information about you against unauthorised access, use, alteration, or destruction, and take all reasonable measures to do so.
Requesting access or correcting your personal information:
We will provide you access to your personal information except in certain circumstances (for example, if providing access were to pose a serious threat to life or health, or it would have unreasonable impact on privacy).
If you are able to establish that the information held about you is not accurate, complete or up to date, we must take reasonable steps to correct the information. If we deny access or correction, we must provide the reason as to why.
Note: In certain circumstances you will need to make a request under Part 5 of the FOI Act rather than the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, which provides a process for you to request the correction or amendment of information held about a person (including a deceased person) where it is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, or where it would give a misleading impression. Further information may be found on Council’s website or by contacting the Freedom of Information Officer.
In the event that Council and you disagree about the accuracy or completeness of your personal or heath information on record, Council will take reasonable steps to record a statement relating to the disputed information if requested by you.
Any application for access to personal information held by Council must:
a) be made in writing from the individual it concerns,
b) provide sufficient details to verify the identity of the applicant, and
c) be addressed to Council’s Privacy Officer.
Contact Us:
You may obtain further Information about Council's Information Privacy Policy by contacting our Governance Officer by telephone (03) 5153 9500, by email feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au (External link)
(External link)(External link) or by mail at PO Box 1618 Bairnsdale VIC 3875.For any other enquiry, please contact Council(External link)
(External link)(External link)